Called to minister to God's people, anointed to preach God's Word, and fully under God's control, Pastor Kevin Quarles is a man who is dedicated and determined to fulfill the Will of God in his life. His journey in the Gospel ministry began on November 26, 1988, when he proclaimed the Word at the New Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church in the Bronx, NY, under the leadership of the late Reverend Robert G. Lane. Following many years of service, he became an Associate Minister at the Union Grove Baptist Church, Bronx, NY, under the pastorate of the Reverend Dr. Fletcher C. Crawford. Pastor Quarles' true gift of preaching presented many opportunities for him to serve in the NYC area and beyond. On June 28, 1998, Pastor Quarles was ordained to the Gospel Ministry through the United Missionary Baptist Association, Inc. In 1998, Pastor Quarles assumed a greater career in full-time ministry as the Executive Minister/Assistant to the Pastor at the First Corinthians Baptist Church, Bronx, NY.
In July 2005, Pastor Kevin Quarles accepted the Call to Pastor the Whosoever Will Baptist Church in the Bronx, NY and was installed as Pastor on Sunday, October 30, 2005. He has the heart of God, a wonderful sense of humor and a love for people that makes the Word that God delivers through him both practical and life changing.
With the blessing and favor of God, in February 2013, Rev. Quarles launched Whosoever Will Ministries, Inc. and opened a second location in Manhattan. Since then, the congregation has grown over 80%, as lives have been blessed and changed.
Pastor Kevin Quarles is certain to be one of the greatest servants of God who advances the Kingdom of God without compromise, and who blesses the people of God without limit.